Regional and metro planning
- Hunter Regional Plan 2041 (PDF, 48.2 MB)
- Central Coast Regional Plan 2041 (PDF, 11.6 MB)
- Hunter Region COVID-19 Demographic Study (PDF, 857.1 KB)
- COVID-19 changed the world. How is it impacting the Hunter? (PDF, 2 MB)
- Hunter Identity and Positioning Strategy (PDF, 1.4 MB)
- Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan 2036 (PDF, 14.6 MB)
- Hunter Regional Plan 2036 (PDF, 3.5 MB)
- Building Better Cities/Newcastle – A Case Study in Renewal (PDF, 26.5 MB)
- Hunter Region Growth Centre - The Scheme
GIPA and disclosure logs
Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 we are committed to improving openness, transparency and ease of access to our information.
Restrictions apply to accessing information when there is an overriding public interest against our disclosure of that particular information. The information below provides advice on how and when access is granted.
For information about the Public Interest Disclosure Act go to the Departments Information, access, governance and feedback webpage.
1. Search on this website
Our website includes material on our projects and policies. We try to release as much government information as possible, through our website or by request to [email protected] attention right of information officer.
Under the GIPA Act, certain information is required by law to be available on our website, free of charge. This is called ‘open access information’ and includes our:
- Policies and tabled documents
- Register of Government Contracts
- Disclosure log
You should check the information on this page to see if the information you are looking for is already publicly available.
2. Make an informal request
If the information you require has not already been published by HCCDC, but is information which raises no particular concerns in terms of an overriding public interest as to why it should be kept confidential, then HCCDC may be able to release it to you on request without having to make a formal application.
If you think this applies to the information you require, you can contact us by email at [email protected] to make an informal request, or by phone on 4904 2757.
Where some information may be released without the need for a formal request, we reserve the right to require an access application to deal with requests for information, particularly if:
- there may be significant public interest considerations that need to be taken into account in deciding whether the information can be released, or
- if you request a large volume of information, or there is another reason HCCDC may take a significant amount of time to consider your request, or
- if there is a third party information involved about which we would have to consult with the third party.
3. Make a formal access application
If the information you are seeking is not available on this website and is not otherwise routinely provided by HCCDC on request, then you have a right to formally apply for access to specific information.
You can make a formal application by downloading and completing the Government Information Access Form and sending it to us at the following address:
Right to Information Officer
Hunter and Central Coast Development Corporation
PO Box 813
Email: [email protected]
The GIPA Act states that we are only able to accept access applications that:
- Are in writing and sent to us at the address above;
- Clearly state you are requesting information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009;
- Enclose the $30 application fee;
- Have a return postal address as the address for correspondence; and
- Include as much specific information as necessary to enable us to identify the information you are asking for.
If your application does not meet these five requirements it will be considered an invalid application and will not be processed. If that happens, however, we will let you know and we will help you, if possible, by explaining how to meet these requirements.
Otherwise we will write acknowledging receipt of your valid access application within 5 working days, and will deal with your application within 20 working days (subject to any extensions allowed for under the Act). If any extension of time is required to deal with your application, we will let you know in writing.
Application fees and processing charges
The application fee for making an access application is $30. There may be additional processing charges at a rate of $30 per hour. In some circumstances we may require you to pay an advance deposit. We will let you know in writing if that applies to your application.
Certain discounts may apply, including on financial hardship and public interest grounds – for more details see the Information & Privacy Commission website.
Access application form
You are not legally required to use any particular form to make an access application (beyond satisfying the five requirements set out above), however HCCDC has created an application form that you may wish to use.
Information that is not available in response to an access application
Although an access application may be made for all government information held by HCCDC, we will not be able to release information if there is an overriding public interest against the disclosure of the information.
In addition, the GIPA Act does not allow the release of some document types, such as:
- Cabinet information
- Executive Council information
- Documents that are subject to Parliamentary privilege
- Documents that are subject of Legal Professional Privilege.
Policy documents guide our decisions, actions and procedures. HCCDC makes available on request any of its policies that affect or are likely to affect members of the public.
Some documents relating to HCCDC are tabled in Parliament. Copies of these tabled documents, which include our annual report, are also made available.
HCCDC is a member of the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) cluster and many of the policies that relate to HCCDC can be found on the department’s website.
Policies and tabled documents
HCCDC’s staff are employed by DPHI – information regarding staff policies and procedures can be found on the departments website.
Most of the information on this website has been released by HCCDC on its own initiative and not because of a request for information or due to policy and legislation.
HCCDC will proactively release information which is deemed to be in the public interest where there are no overriding reasons against disclosure, and publish this information on its website.
Register of Government Contracts
All contracts the Corporation enters into with the private sector valued over $150,000 must be recorded in the register of government contracts, which is published on the NSW Government eTendering website.
Details of each contract must be entered into the register within 60 days of coming into effect, and must remain on the register for 30 days or until the contract is complete, whichever is longer.
The eTendering website also provides details of current tender opportunities.
Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act), NSW agencies are required to keep a record (a ‘disclosure log’) of information about formal applications received under the Act.
A disclosure log is a record of information that HCCDC has released under the GIPA Act, often in response to a specific request from an individual or organisation that HCCDC thinks will also be of interest to other members of the public. HCCDC will include only non-personal information on the log.
The disclosure log sets out the date the decision was made to release the information, a description of the information released and details about whether that information is currently available and how it can be accessed and may not contain the most up-to-date version of the information.
As access applications are received that are likely to be of interest to members of the public, the Corporation will add them to its disclosure log, which details its response to applications for information.
In deciding to release information in response to a GIPA access application, consistent with the GIPA Act consideration is to be given to personal factors of the application as outlined in section 55 of the GIPA Act. For instance, where other members of the public request access to the released information described on the disclosure log, HCCDC may delete certain information relating to the original applicant’s personal information; business, commercial, professional or financial interests; research carried out by or on behalf of the applicant; or information concerning the affairs of another government department or agency.