Safer Cities program

Women in NSW are twice as likely to feel unsafe at night in public places when compared to men.

Women are also much more likely than men to change when and how they visit public places based on how safe they feel (NSW Safer Cities Survey Report 2023).

Transport for NSW is investing $30 million in the Safer Cities program to improve feelings of safety in public spaces, and around transport hub precincts across NSW – particularly for women, girls and gender diverse people. We’re proud to be a Safer Cities partner and are planning to deliver improvements to a public space in one of our local government areas.

The Safer Cities program has three aims:

  • Increasing women and girls’ safety and access to public spaces
  • Enabling women and girls’ to move freely and alone in their community
  • Increasing women and girls’ engagement with how the spaces around them are designed and managed.

The program is engaging with women, girls and gender diverse people to understand their perspectives and co-design place-based approaches to improve perceptions of safety when walking to, through and within public spaces including our streets.

The Safer Cities program is funded by the NSW Government and led by Transport for NSW.

More about the program