HCCDC is a NSW Government agency known for delivering major region-shaping infrastructure, public domain and land transformation projects.
Our work includes the urban renewal of Honeysuckle, the revitalisation of Newcastle, and remediation of the former BHP Steelworks sites. We manage the Mount Penang Parklands, have delivered infrastructure upgrades and public domain on the Central Coast, and are transforming government-owned land in Lake Macquarie to create new opportunities for housing, infrastructure and economic growth.
We're helping deliver NSW Government's vision for strong and sustainable regions, and working to provide unrivalled lifestyle in the Hunter and Central Coast – with better housing options, more job opportunities and great public spaces.
We love what we do
We are a diverse and driven team who are passionate about creating great outcomes for the community, for now and the future.
HCCDC offers excellent conditions, with attractive opportunities based in Newcastle and the Central Coast. We support an inclusive workplace where staff have access to opportunities and resources at all levels, and enable our team members to drive innovation, productivity, and delivery of high-quality services.
We understand that flexibility means different things to different people and are committed to offering flexible work arrangements where and when possible.
Job search
Career opportunities are advertised on the I Work for NSW website.