$12 million Honeysuckle Drive upgrade complete
The Hunter and Central Coast Development Corporation (HCCDC) has completed $12 million in infrastructure upgrades to the western end of Honeysuckle Drive, significantly enhancing traffic flow, beautifying the streetscape and improving safety for all users.
Member of the Legislative Council and Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter Taylor Martin said the works were part of a significant $55 million infrastructure spend in the precinct.
“The NSW Government is investing unprecedented funding into the essential transformation of this enviable and attractive waterfront precinct,” Mr Martin said.
“These works will underpin new waterfront public domain and exciting new future uses that will attract people to live, work and enjoy this amazing city.”
HCCDC Chief Operating Officer Valentina Misevska said the works mark another significant step in the ongoing transformation of the Honeysuckle precinct.
“We are continuing to invest in Honeysuckle and the community can now enjoy wider footpaths, new cycleways, improved traffic lanes for better traffic flow, and a new bridge across Cottage Creek, which we have also worked to remove concrete covers to naturalise and beautify the waterway,” Ms Misevska said.
“We’ve also improved the streetscape, with 17 Norfolk Pines planted in a median strip that now connects to existing and established Honeysuckle landscaping.”
The 12-month project also included early works to prepare remaining parcels of land for future use and transformation.
“While we have worked to realign Honeysuckle Drive and improve surrounding amenity for the community to enjoy, we have also constructed the essential infrastructure across the remaining parcels of land earmarked for development,” Ms Misevska said.
“These lands will form an important role in the emergence of the new CBD, creating a destination befit of our revitalised city.”
HCCDC also has construction underway at Honeysuckle Park to create a new public space for the community to enjoy.
For more information go to the Honeysuckle works page.