Bold objectives for Honeysuckle transformation
Community ideas have emerged as bold and ambitious project objectives for the future transformation of Honeysuckle lands, with the Hunter and Central Coast Development Corporation today releasing the Honeysuckle Ideas community engagement Outcomes Report.
Undertaken from September to November 2020, the engagement focused on the future use and function of the final three hectares in Honeysuckle, with an emphasis on Social, Economic and Environmental outcomes.
Hunter and Central Coast Development Corporation (HCCDC) Chief Operating Officer Valentina Misevska was pleased with the community’s engagement and excited about the high aspirations for the precinct.
“What we heard is that people truly want something special,” Ms Misevska said.
“The engagement program was about understanding what the community wanted to see transpire in Honeysuckle, and to use the themes that emerged to create project objectives for the future transformation of the precinct.
“People told us they want to see something iconic, where design and excellence mark Honeysuckle and the emerging CBD as a landmark gateway that connects the renowned Hunter Region to the global market.
“This really aligns with what we want to achieve – to create great places where people choose to visit, play and work in an ever vibrant and dynamic destination,” Ms Misevska said.
HCCDC’s engagement program included two phases, the first to gather community ideas against the three pillars – social, economic and environmental – and the second, to discuss the themes that emerged through the ideas to then create new project objectives.
“Creating a magnetic mixed-use destination; creating a great place that is connected; respecting and acknowledging heritage and culture; being people focused and accessible; and demonstrating excellence in design and sustainability are the basis of our five objectives,” Ms Misevska said.
The Honeysuckle Ideas Outcomes Report is now available. The report outlines the engagement process and explains how the diverse feedback received was translated from specific ideas and feedback into themes before becoming project objectives.
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