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HCCDC is managing the divestment of land in Cockle Creek to enable new opportunities for jobs, housing and economic growth.
DOMA Group's Lume Apartments opened in 2020, offering premium waterfront residential units and ground floor commercial.
HCCDC completed rehabilitation of the former steelworks waste facility in 2022, unlocking new opportunities for future re-use.
Miller Property Group's Horizon development opened in 2023, providing waterfront residential apartments and ground floor retail, adjacent to new public domain.
HCCDC has delivered the award-winning remediation and rehabilitation of 150-hectares of former BHP Steelworks land in Mayfield.
HCCDC has transformed former heavy rail corridor land into accessible public domain with picnic lawns and pedestrian pathways connecting the CBD with the harbour.
HCCDC has transformed former transport land into superior public domain including an expansive piazza, picnic lawn and landscaped connections.
HCCDC transformed the former Civic Railway Station into an accessible community space providing pedestrian connections with the CBD, university, museum and Honeysuckle restaurant precinct.
HCCDC created an imaginative pop-up play space on The Station's piazza that's all about creativity, engaging with nature, and outdoor fun.
HCCDC has delivered significant restoration works to Newcastle's historic railway station building, enabling adaptive re-use of the former transport site.